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Comment count is 15
SolRo - 2011-09-20

5 for pole dancing workout class.

Old_Zircon - 2011-09-21

You didn't know those were a thing?

split tail - 2011-09-20

I pretty sure this has been argued here before, but...

Pole dancing should be in the Olympics; either on it's own, or as one of the Gymnastic routines.

Like it or not, you've gotta be in great shape to put on even just a somewhat good pole show (like the girl in this video); and then there's all that talent and style, and oh my!

Pompoulus - 2011-09-20

This is awesome. I read somewhere that American strippers pioneered this sort of crazy pole-dancery. Go American strippers!

#ooh say can you seeee#

baleen - 2011-09-21

You read "somewhere..."

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-09-21

She can also crush you with her chiseled legs. That's gotta be a plus in a mate.

Prickly Pete - 2011-09-21

Not really a Moonwalk...

fedex - 2011-09-21

hence the 'or something'

Prickly Pete - 2011-09-21

Well everything's an "or something." You might say she's a chicken turd or SOMETHING.

fedex - 2011-09-22

you've certainly earned your name on this thread I suppose

jyrque - 2011-09-21

Not to honk my own horn or anything but this reminded me of this:


Poledancing is amazing(ly hot).

freedoom - 2011-09-21

She's like an upside down mime.

James Woods - 2011-09-21

The great thing about this is she's already on the stake for the burning.

Bort - 2011-09-21

This goes pretty quickly from "racy" to "hey kids, you gotta see this!" I'm not sure that's in keeping with the intended business model.

Squeamish - 2011-09-22

And they say stripping doesn't take any talent.

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