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Is it raining, guy?
I went up in a Cessna a few weeks ago to fly down to Medford. This is probably exactly what I'd do in a hang glider.
I can't tell if the pilot(?) even notices Little Ms. Pukerella doing her thing.
"What's wrong, Ace?" "I just can't stop erupting back here, Gary." "Why don't we switch positions? I'll be on top."
"I don't understand what happen to the crops this season"
Acid rain.
This....this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
I'm so glad they filmed it and then thought they'd share it. Hooray web 2.0
As soon as it started I thought "Oh, please let it be the person on top who throws up."
. . . . . . Supervile?
for you close enough.
Agent Orange-Green
Man I know how he feels, I do this whenever I ride in the passenger seat of a car.
Extra scenes from Animal House.