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Comment count is 15
Aelric - 2011-09-14

Is it raining, guy?

baleen - 2011-09-14

I went up in a Cessna a few weeks ago to fly down to Medford. This is probably exactly what I'd do in a hang glider.

jreid - 2011-09-15

I can't tell if the pilot(?) even notices Little Ms. Pukerella doing her thing.

FABIO - 2011-09-15

"What's wrong, Ace?"

"I just can't stop erupting back here, Gary."

"Why don't we switch positions? I'll be on top."

Riskbreaker - 2011-09-15

"I don't understand what happen to the crops this season"

glasseye - 2011-09-15

Acid rain.

Corpus Delectable - 2011-09-15

This....this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-09-15

I'm so glad they filmed it and then thought they'd share it. Hooray web 2.0

kwash - 2011-09-15

As soon as it started I thought "Oh, please let it be the person on top who throws up."

riedquat - 2011-09-15

. . .

. . . Supervile?

Wonko the Sane - 2011-09-15

for you

craptacular - 2011-09-15


close enough.

chumbucket - 2011-09-15

Agent Orange-Green

Meerkat - 2011-09-15

Man I know how he feels, I do this whenever I ride in the passenger seat of a car.

Change - 2011-09-15

Extra scenes from Animal House.

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