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Rich people are retarded.
That is definitely not a real cobra, what you meant to say is middle class people with no sense of restraint/economic responsibility are retarded Rich people are retarded too though, some family friends of mine regularly spend ,000 to fly their private jet to London
That room is larger than all the apartments I've ever lived in since I was born.
Yeah, I'm sorry, if you're doing that you don't get to call yourself middle class.
So ignorant! This is all part of our munificent be-monied overlords wisely guiding our civilisation along the correct course!
Did it without pitting once.
I see good things in store for the "driving indoors" tag.
Jay Leno at home.
I wish I had more stars for you. I really do. :(
this is an art installation in germany right?
That's my wet dream car; real or fake.