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Comment count is 10
chumbucket - 2011-07-14

These are the kinds of folks your kids are hanging out with at the skatepark while you watch soaps.

glasseye - 2011-07-15

At least he's not a skater.

Hooker - 2011-07-14

That was pretty much perfect.

charmlessman - 2011-07-14

Goddamn homeless people, always sleeping in the park!

EvilBakeOven - 2011-07-14

Is it me or does he sound exactly like Steve-O of Jackass fame?

charmlessman - 2011-07-19

Is there another Steve-O?

The Great Mel Bay - 2011-07-14

That's one way to go to sleep...

baleen - 2011-07-14

So drunk his muscles worked as tender cushions of meat.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2011-07-14

It's true, my aunt would send us to the park all day during summer in elementary/middle school so they would have to deal with us while she watched The Young and the Restless, and there were always these homeless druggies there. They were about as nuts as this guy.

Once one of them somehow got a whole bunch of money and started offering us money to do fucked up shit, like fight each other, fondle each other, etc.

We told our aunt when we went home and showed her the money they gave us for lighting a tree on fire and putting it out and for my cousins beating the shit out of each other. She never made us go back.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-07-19


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