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Comment count is 17
Riskbreaker - 2011-07-13

Why won't his family try to stop him?

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2011-07-13

What makes you think they're still alive?

MaulLove - 2011-07-13

Didn't his wife comment on his videos a few times on here calling him a shitty dad who doesn't take care of his kids? I'm too lazy to look it up.

grimcity - 2011-07-13

Maul... yep!

http://www.poetv.com/users.php?userid=19801&what=history&stars =1

pastorofmuppets - 2011-07-14

Man, you guys really laid into her. Hasn't she suffered enough?

Xenocide - 2011-07-13


Finally, a Heisman Trophy you can drink. I hear it tastes like Cherry Coke.

So how would this movie work? Would it just be some guy standing there reading a story? Wait, does that mean THIS is the movie? Because fuck that. We need Morgan Freeman reading this thing. He really brings a wise, homespun charm to the word "methamphetamine."

urbanelf - 2011-07-13

That was a helluva comedy act.

PeteyCruiser - 2011-07-13

i once contacted daniel songer about turning one of his "screenplays" into a movie. he sent me something like this but only a paragraph long. great experience.

Xenocide - 2011-07-13

I just hope it's titled "HONEY! I THOUGHT YOU WERE KIDNAPPED!"

MC Scared of Bees - 2011-07-13

He reminds me of RACTER.

"Babbitt, along with other enthusiasts, married a runner, and consequently L. Ron Hubbard married Schubert, the confused feeler, himself who was divorcing L. Ron Hubbard's Tasmanian devil. Then elegance prevailed. Poor Babbitt! But that's how enthusiasts are. I wonder if muddleheads like strength?"

biclops - 2011-07-13

It should be noted that the youtube video contains the tag SYFY. I'm going to be crossing my fingers come pilot season. Syfy could really use a movie or series that contains no dialogue or character names.

TeenerTot - 2011-07-13

The Professor.

The Tyrant.



Jet Bin Fever - 2011-07-13

Called it.

Siebenstein - 2011-07-13

Yes you did.

deadpan - 2011-07-13

I can't believe Chris Farley faked his own death just so he could spend a decade working on this lame character.

citrusmirakel - 2011-07-13

Sports sports sports. Throw the ball. Catch the ball. Run run run.

twinkieafternoon - 2011-07-14

At 2:27, he gets choked up. No doubt after having just described the life he always wanted to live. Inspired by lesser athletes, lauded by great thinkers, light years away from paying child support of any kind.

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