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The fighters are confused whether he's talking to Mike or Joe.
Classic Shogun.
That is one jaded crowd.
Doesn't resemble fucking enough for them.
They've gotta separate.
I really have to dispute Joe Rogan's repeated characterization of these fighters as "not really doing anything."
I prefer the fights that feature a mix of styles. Two straight up grapplers going at it is pretty boring, and two guys with telekenesis just end up leaning at each other and wiggling.
CJH wins these 5 stars by submission, anaconda choke
Favorited just for that.
That was great.
UFC is really different now that they accept Scanning as a legit style.
Well, not THAT different
They didn't give the bug testers enough Monster.
And so they created one.
Oh god, this was a terrible movie to watch while eating a bowl of cereal. D:
they've gotta they've gotta separate