Hooker - 2011-06-16
Pretty great flashbang video working its way through the hopper as well.
My city is pretty stupid.
OxygenThief - 2011-06-16 By 10am the next day, hundreds of volunteers had already cleaned up all the garbage left by these assholes.
I love my city.
roscar - 2011-06-16
I like to think that it's all people from the suburbs.
Smellvin - 2011-06-16
None of us is as stupid as all of us.
Smellvin - 2011-06-16 Also, how soon until we declare Canada a failed state and occupy it to "protect" Canadians?
baleen - 2011-06-16 Canada isn't America's crazy aunt. Canada is the child of a nice family down the street. The child is extremely happy, but he doesn't know that every night his daddy goes to the seedy side of town to go whoring with his friends Uncle America and Uncle China, while pulling cheap cons with his old partner and mentor, Billy Britain.
duck&cover - 2011-06-16
Everybody was kung-poo fighting
Those craps were fast as lightning
oddeye - 2011-06-16 In fact it was a little bit shite-ning,
fedex - 2011-06-16
holy shit OWWW
twinkieafternoon - 2011-06-16
This is the only circumstance Canadians would ever riot....Wait, that gives me an idea!
We need to make hockey's conferences Canada and US instead of East and West. Then every year would be a border war Cup, and this could happen every year!
Ghoul - 2011-06-16
Alcohol was likely a factor.
jimmicampkin - 2011-06-16
Charging a toilet is moderately amusing. The random guy who had been standing on it, falling down and nearly breaking his spine... now that was comedy.
Hooker - 2011-06-16 Yeah, I left that out of the description intentionally.
charmlessman - 2011-06-16
"Wachiss!! Wachiss!! Imma go run through them cops, eh? Then imma hit tha portaloo!! Thissa gonna be HILARIOUS!!! WHEEEEE!!!"
petep - 2011-06-16
the lack of dialogue makes this, everyone knows their part and they need no direction
Senator_Unger - 2011-06-16
Was that English? What were they speaking?
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