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This is a big favorite in our house. I think this means we're all gay, even the eight year old.
Wow. That was like two months worth of LJRIG posts in 90 seconds.
This is months old, but I still love it. CAT! I'M A KITTY CAT
Not gay, just ridiculous.
Pete Doherty, I fucking hate you.
hey its almost a hitler cat
I'm not feeling it, sorry :-(
this never gets old
the winks make it
Man its been almost 2 years and this still rocks.
fat kitty
My girl friend loves it
i keep coming back to kitcat dance. *ding*
Hopelessly retarded is the most accurate tag ever, but I still love this.
It's unbelievably stupid, and yet...
This is why the Internet was made.
Though I gotta say the occasional crotch shots are a bit unsettling.
Its horrible but still an old favorite.
Yeah, this is starting to feel almost as dated as Hatten är din but I still like it.
It is 2017 and yes I do.
Also that cat is probably dead now. Happy spring!
Just came to repost this but I thought better