Ursa_minor - 2011-06-08
This is such a perfect East Norcal/West Nevada thing. I river guide up there and this perfectly represents about 50% of the men guides over 40.
CJH - 2011-06-08
an honest man, speaking candidly on many issues
Oscar Wildcat - 2011-06-08
His delivery may be coarse, but his intent is pure. Godspeed, old hippie.
Oscar Wildcat - 2011-06-08 The instant I'd finished, I heard a ga-Zump!
I looked.
I saw something pop out of the stump
of the tree I'd chopped down. It was sort of a man.
Describe him?... That's hard. I don't know if I can.
He was shortish. And oldish.
And brownish. And mossy.
And he spoke with a voice
that was sharpish and bossy.
"Mister!" he said with a sawdusty sneeze,
"I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees.
I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.
And I'm asking you, sir, at the top if my lungs"-
he was very upset as he shouted and puffed-
"What's that THING you've made out of my Truffula tuft?
Xenocide - 2011-06-08
Don't mess with this guy. He'll set your girlfriend on fire while putting sugar in your mom and fucking your snowboard. And then the neighbors will get pissed.
The Great Mel Bay - 2011-06-08
You should twist up a bone and get totally lit...
NineEleven - 2011-06-08
Maybe I grew up without a role model, but you know what, better late than never.
Slagathor - 2011-06-09
snowboarding is almost as douchey as skateboarding. Both should be criminal offenses.
duck&cover - 2011-06-09
Shit-storm, shit-boarding, shit-puppets.
chumbucket - 2011-06-09
Bangin' and burnin'
Old_Zircon - 2011-06-09
Wait, aren't most snowboarders hippies too?
baleen - 2011-06-09 I think he was speaking their language.
Rudy - 2011-06-09
Always do it sexually. Wise words.
Jet Bin Fever - 2011-06-09
Well that was awkward.
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