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Comment count is 17
The Mothership - 2011-06-08

oh samisyosam, why must you torment this poor boy?

notascientist - 2011-06-08

Butter being the operative word.

fedex - 2011-06-08

my thighs are buttery

papercut_junky - 2011-06-08

A stunning display of many, many lonely Saturday nights.

riedquat - 2011-06-08

Watching the video after seeing the preview image superimposed with a word I thought was "Ballsong" has left me with a vague sense of inadequacy and gloom.

phalsebob - 2011-06-08

He's great with knives. Butterly knives, butter knives, all of that stuff.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-06-08

Ahh, it's incredibly lame but at least he's really good at this. I can't really fault him for that, and I'm not going to pick on him for having a gut either.

Cheese - 2011-06-08

-1 because his FAQ doesn't include what must be the most frequently asked question, "How much do you weigh?"

Raggamuffin - 2011-06-08

How would he look if he spent one eighth of his knife practice time jogging around the block?

Mother_Puncher - 2011-06-08

Benchmade 42, eh? That 0 in his stubby, greasy hands right there. And I don't think that model is even made anymore. And if they are as sharp as he wants us to believe, one swipe on his belly and it will bleed buttery sauce for weeks.

Pillager - 2011-06-08

Aren't butterfly knifes illegal?

Mother_Puncher - 2011-06-08

To carry on you, yes. But so is pot but it seems fine for people to take massive bong rips when starting a video.

RockBolt - 2011-06-08

Depends on the state, but for the most part no as long as you can't lock them open

MyNameIsUnimportant - 2011-06-08

The spy's best disguise yet.

deadpan - 2011-06-08

Twelve replies before a TF2 spy joke. I really think we've come a long way here.

deadpan - 2011-06-08


Supahfly - 2011-06-08

Can't outrun a butterfly knife.

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