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And here I thought he was going to manage to avoid using the word sheeple.
I thought he was gonna give a shoutout to my man Vinnie.
the thumbnail for this on the main page is surreal. It looks like a cyborg.
(and)roid rage.
As much as everything he says is complete paranoid bullshit, I get the distinct impression that if I was there with him, I'd agree with everything he said.
I hope we see more work by this man
I believe you will be able to see his next piece in a shallow grave, and then on the news.
I restarted the video halfway through to count the fucks. 44 if you're curious, 43 if you don't count "motherfuckin'"
Best YouTube comment: "I'm with him on the gas prices".
I think we should get snorlax to help save the country.
The news comes on Channel 25.