snothouse - 2011-04-12
Gucci plug. Dre Beats headphones plug.
When the Bing screen came up, I said "you've got to me kidding me" out loud in an empty room.
Next episode: Asian fever.
Lurchi - 2011-04-12
I thought this was going to be some dumb-ass LeBron not hated enough?
Lurchi - 2011-04-12 Maybe basketball players should be forced to toil a year or two in college before being drafted. (The other most hated NBA player is Kobe.)
Meatsack Jones - 2011-04-12
He was loved by the masses here in Cleveland, as evident by a 10 story banner of him outside the Gund Arena. I once saw a 30' display in the sports medicine section of the Cleveland Clinic, where each letter of his last name was given a 40 some word extolation of words beginning with the same letter. As in L is for lawful, loyal, lasting, leotard or some shit.
This did not surprise me at all.
snothouse - 2011-04-12 I grew up in Cleveland, and left just before the LeBron based economy crashed. You elect a madman, you get madness.
blase - 2011-04-12
Unintentional self-parody, very ripe for parody, and that's why this is great.
Jet Bin Fever - 2011-04-12
If you had that much money, you'd have your own shitty cartoon too.
Vaidency - 2011-04-12
"As you can see, the generic bad cartoon is already pretty much finished. All we need is a name to attach to it and we'll whip up an appropriate theme song in about 10 minutes."
twinkieafternoon - 2011-04-12
hammsangwich, I had no idea you already submitted this, but somehow you beat me to uploading this by 6 slots in the hopper. You can still find it there, with the exact same Boondocks joke I had no idea you already made. I guess what I'm saying is, you need better tags or something.
Also, this takes a dip in the funny poll around the 3:00 mark, but it doesn't wade in there for very long.
Corman's Inferno - 2011-04-12
No "Of course theres a cartoon" or "horrible cartoon infinity" tags? For shame.
twinkieafternoon - 2011-04-12 I would like you to know that -I- had those tags--both of them!--when I submitted this in the hopper almost immediately after he did.
I want you guys to love this the way I love this, is what I'm saying.
hammsangwich - 2011-04-12 Sorry, I'm not as well versed in the tags as most. The LeBron James tag should have hit as there are only a 4 videos with "Lebron" or "Lebron james". Don't blame me for POETV's poor search algorithm.
Xenocide - 2011-04-12
Lebron lives in a magical house where everyone's name is also an improper noun. Join Lebron and his friends Business, Athlete, Wise, Electrician, Joviality, Toothpaste, Facism, Doorknob, and Bestiality as they learn important life lessons about stabbing an entire city in the back.
twinkieafternoon - 2011-04-12 The most unbelievable part of this?
Athlete LeBron hitting a free throw in the beginning. Yeah right, LeBron. You spin your Hollywood magic.
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