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Somewhere, someone is setting this to the Guile theme.
Here you go:
five glorious stars for Nikon
Well in all fairness I'm pretty sure that is the music playing in Assange's head all the time.
No question he's a prick, but I have to give him credit for going out on the dance floor alone. People who are too cool to dance are assholes.
wrong and wrong
Right and right. If you at a concert or club or whatever and you're not dancing you look like a straight up dumbass.
you get credit if you're dancing to actually good music. not break-funk-diva-pop-circa-1997 still, 5 stars.
Julian Assange is the man, but he dances like a tool.
whoever has the most fun wins
I don't understand what drives men to dance, but I love this. It's completely pretentious and wonderful. Assange distilled to its most pure form.
Und now, on Sprockets, it is ze time zat ve dance.
Hell, this just makes me like him even more.