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And yet he was STILL late for free scoop day at Baskin Robbins.
Pole, he's dead...nope. Pole. He's dead. Nope. Pole dead nope Jesus.
The paperboy reboot is lookin good
Kind of strange that they decided to keep the crowd clapping for you at the end though. That never made any sense.
Closest I'll ever get to feeling awesome on a bike.
Conveniently, his time spent racing also counts towards getting a pilot's license.
hot shit
For not hitting the dog at 0:28
im amazed that no one acted like a jackass and tried to push him off or just walked across the tape.
I want to know what kind of bike that guy is on.
Judging by the familiar screeching sound, it's a high-end mountain bike with disc brakes.
I can't imagine what kind of tires could survive that. I just assumed his bicycle was tricked out with monster truck tires.
At fullscreen, that video is terrifying.
Another one of those things from real life that could never be accomplished in a game.
I have never ridden a bike on a wall. Also "jumping over a dog" needs to be a linked tag.