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He may be a plant.
Hell if I care. This is great theater!
Staged or not... that was one royal dunk.
yea, you probably right, but I don't give a fuck.
I will pretend it's all real. Can you imagine all the good lovin he got from his date that night?
Needs a 'wait for it...' tag. . . . . . . If you can't wait, try 0:52.
When aren't black people on cell phones?
...doing flips and dunking hoops at the same time. Really. Had he been white... THAT would have been extra.
It was already great then the music started.
Someone's getting laid.
Possibly the most appropriate use of Guile's theme in the history of ever. Plant or not, that is a talented ninja.
"... you on a DATE?" five stars!
He's on fire!
racist against white ppl
The Wizards were allowed to add the points from the slam dunk contest to their score for the game. They still lost by 17.