RocketBlender - 2011-01-10
Oh lord, another Axelswife video.
I had to google Marluxia on the grounds that I'm pretty sure that's not her name. Basically, she's cosplaying a videogame character that's cosplaying an anime character.
Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-01-10
People who liked this video also liked: Rotting food time lapse
1394 - 2011-01-10
That's a pretty awful hooker wig.
RocketBlender - 2011-01-10
Also: Everytime someone posts an Axelswife video, someone always mentions how awesome her rack is or how it's redeeming, etc. Before that happens, I want to go ahead and say No: no amount of boobs can make up for that face, that personality, that much nerd.
There's plenty of awesome boobs out there not attached to axelswife to make hers irrelevant.
spikestoyiu - 2011-01-10 But there are only like four people in the world with large breasts!
Triggerbaby - 2011-01-10 I don't know what kind of money she has lying around, but she should take a look into orthodontics / jaw surgery. Any face issues could be corrected within a year, tops, and she'd have a healthier bite to boot.
Macho Nacho - 2011-01-10
I'm surprised that she still uploads videos on Youtube.
simon666 - 2011-01-10
Related video with blond girl who has a six pack.
fluffy - 2011-01-10
Well, her lip sync is at least better than in the original cartoon.
chumbucket - 2011-01-11 but more totally, totally outrageous
Ursa_minor - 2011-01-10
How does she even make words with that mouth?
Azmo23 - 2011-01-10
clop clop clop clop
BorrowedSolution - 2011-01-10
My girlfriend recoiled in horror at the face. 5 Stars!
MongoMcMichael - 2011-01-10
dystopianfuturetoday - 2011-01-11
Is her face paralyzed? Is she wearing a prosthetic mask? Are those teeth real? Why does her face move so little?
flotsam - 2011-01-11
I wasn't sure who Jem was, so I searched for the name and came up with this:
sunflowreyes - 2011-01-11 Come on! They were around in the early 90's!
That makes me feel really, really old.
dead_cat - 2011-08-07
Why dental care should be available free to all.
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