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My stars are divided between 5:25-5:30 and every single shot of Stocking after the ghosts show up. Also, I don't know who this Camiante guy is, but he sounds like trouble.
Fixed the typo. For you.
Wow, an anime with an art style that doesn't make me want to puke! This shit is awesome! Fuck you, sea anemone Ghost!
Six stars! -1 because they didn't blow up any monster models this time
If I could give this more stars, I would. Really.
So, Stocking got tentacle-raped in this episode. Where does the show go from here?
An obvious -1 because it wasn't a surfing contest. I thought the creators paid more attention than that.
So apparently the only thing that will get POEtv users to like anime is if it's an anime that makes fun of american cartoon shows and culture. Kay.
Or an anime that is actually funny, sexy, well drawn and just a joy to watch. You know, all the things that regular anime (Fist of the North Star not included) is not.