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Comment count is 11
halon - 2006-11-19

This is awesome in more ways than could be articulated in the comment box

Bone_Vulture - 2006-11-19

Not exactly an instrument, more like a sketching table. Awesome tech nevertheless.

fluffy - 2006-11-19

This would improve my Logic workflow SO MUCH.

dorje - 2006-11-19

I want to have its babies

athodyd - 2006-11-19

I fiddled with this at SIGGRAPH, it's surprisingly intuitive

Vicious - 2007-02-08


Caminante - 2007-03-02

So I guess techno music's pretty easy to make then...

The Hater - 2007-04-18


Billy the Poet - 2007-05-29

It'll be covered in greasy fingerprints when the candy kids are done touching it.

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-12-17

I want one.

jorgea - 2011-11-13

Interesting video.

George Alarcon

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