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If this game really had Chariots of Fire playing in the background, I might have tried it more than twice. Kind of like how Always is vital to Robot Unicorn Attack.
Hate to piss on your parade, but it does.
Hey, so it does. Except it only plays when you're actually making progress and keeps restarting when you slow down, so you never get to the good part.
maybe if you DONT SUCK!!!
Fourteen pints and time for a kebab.
special olympics tag
everyone is a winner hahaha
I'm not sure why this made me laugh so hard, but it did.
you should try actually playing it
Oh my God. That was the best 5 minutes I've ever spent online. I don't know why crappy controls + shitty graphics = awesome "game", but it does.
"You have selected 'no'."
I managed to go 5 meters using only my thighs. Then my calves kicked in and I back-flipped onto my head.
Did ulllillillilaa have a hand in this?
Had it been for him the character would had jumped straight to the fucking moon.
Made it 4.9 meters by doing a rock n' roll guitar solo stage hop.
Muy qwopo.
17.8 meters. HA.
It's possible to actually beat this game. Also, there's one hurdle in it.
The way his knees and calves bend backwards after he falls down.
Degenerative bone disease.