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Anyway you at it.
That's the way you ed it.
myth busted
I hope the entire premise of this show is about settling the answers to questions of this type.
Great question and great execution. Perez aside, I really don't understand why this "sport" is so popular in Ecuador.
"All Samurais Stand By" would be a great band name
Dude. Yes.
But a good one, I would have missed this gem otherwise
A new trivia is born into the world!
"We explained to Mr. Perez that there are no samurai in modern-day Japan." The level of condescension & contempt they have for Mr. Perez is astounding.
I learned something. I mean, there are still knights in Europe.
I wouldn't know. I'm an American. BTW... what's "Europe"?
The whole time I watched this, I kept thinking that the American equivelant to this is to have Confederate soldiers bust in and shoot at him with their muskets.
This is the greatest thing.
Now we just need to run some controls.
Nice touch having the samurai strike down the cops.