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Can I has cat bomb?
"Does she look suspicious to you?" YES!!! RENDITION HER!!!
Aww man, I want to adopt bombkitty.
I'd name him/her boomer.
I'd call her Explodey. She will explode your heart with kittenish antics.
So..... if you want to kill police with a bomb in a box, put kittens in it also?
I think this is the result of some focused New Ager thought energy. Pretty soon you'll hear a report about guns shooting candy.
That was fun. Watch again.
Then, the kittens were tasered.
How adorably dangerous!
Is it just me, or does he say 'unfortunately the bomb squad did not blow up that box'?
It's not just you.
He's talking to a desk reporter called "Syan" he pronounces it see-ahn. He just doesn't leave enough of a pause.
Until they opened the box, the kittens were simultaneously bombs and not-bombs.
Kittens do not shape shift. They can jump backwards and to the right, but they do not shape shift.
Schroedinger's bomb-cat!
5 for you *****
Yes, *****
"Unfortunately" I was really hoping it was just some bum's poop.
Hey a duct-taped box. Must be a bomb because there have totally been many recorded instances of a duct-taped box somewhere being a bomb.
SSA: Somebody set up us the bomb. CATS: All your base are belong to us!