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Desc:Mr. Perfect Jr. illustrates how to take a career from promising to nosedive in 20 seconds.
Category:Sports, Humor
Tags:wrestling, wwe, NXT, botched promo
Submitted:Yellow Lantern
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Comment count is 22
Riskbreaker - 2010-10-28

Good god...

Xenocide - 2010-10-28

What momentous occasion!

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-10-28

The consequences will never be the same.

Ocyrus - 2010-10-29

I yelled that last night at some drunk hick that was trying to start a fight with a buddy of mine... I'm going to dig that up now.

Chalkdust - 2010-10-28

wait for his reappearance as a heel based on Mel Brooks' 'Sheriff of Rottingham'

fourthguy - 2010-10-28

I wish it just ended at 0:21.

CornOnTheCabre - 2010-10-28

But then you would've forgotten that Lifehouse existed!

sonichronique - 2010-10-28

Notwithstanding this, despite furthermore, altogether though howbeit and for all that it is even so nonetheless authentic as far as I'm concerned, darnit!

phalsebob - 2010-10-28

From now to here on in will be the day to remember Carpe Diem.

phalsebob - 2010-10-28

I've said to much.

spikestoyiu - 2010-10-28

Stop saying "moment" over there.

Adramelech - 2010-10-29

Reportedly this trainwreck scared the WWE off of non-scripted mic work.

Riskbreaker - 2010-10-29

This was improvised? I'm surprised, WWE plans every single detail of every show, even where the wrestlers will stand on the ring.

themilkshark - 2010-10-29

LOL I love horrible promos. I can't wait until they fire all the writers cuz wrestling is losing popularity and these meatheads just are let loose on the mic like they used to. Not everyone can do it like Chris Jericho.

a flaming monkey - 2010-10-29

I think he was attempting to draw out the sentence and make it more dramatic. Unfortunately his vocabulary could not match such a move.

standard8mm - 2010-10-29


chumbucket - 2010-10-29

I want his agent on the phone NOW!! this guy is headed places!

Anaxagoras - 2010-10-29

Does it matter? Wresting fans are like dogs: they pay attention to your tone & gestures, but the words are just "blah blah blah".

Anaxagoras - 2010-10-29

"Wrestling fans".

Let the record show that I'm part wrestling fan.

CornOnTheCabre - 2010-10-29

i'm half wrestling fan, but only because my mother was bitten by one during childbirth

Urkel Forever - 2010-10-29

I'm half wrestling fan because half of my brain was removed during a surgical procedure.

bopeton - 2010-10-30

I hate "wrestling" and I usually mark them all one star.

But seeing that sentence in print, pretty funny.

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