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that's fucking awesome. there should be a rule that every football game begins like this.
Friggin beaut
If you're going to join the Army, you might as well try and learn something awesome while you're there
He's almost as manly as the dude who dresses up like an eagle and rides the Zamboni at hockey games!
ALMOST as badass as a polar bear dropping bombs from a MIG into a volcano and destroying the planet earth.
Isn't that from an L Ron Hubbard novel?
Where have you been man.
I went to a Michigan game once. It was freezing cold and the seats were uncomfortable. But hey, Sir Patrick Stewart was there and the half-time show was Star Trek themed! I don't remember who they were facing...
Ohio State. "Go forth and defeat the Buckeyes!"
THEY CAUGHT THE FLAG. Points for style.
So who gets laid more, this guy or the marksman who shot goats from a moving helicopter?
Airborne dude. Chicks get sad when you kill innocent animals.
X marks the Spock.
Just when I thought this clip couldn't get any more American, they show the flag that's been trailing him. This could easily have been a scene from Metal Wolf Chaos.
"I got your gameball right heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrreee!!"
He was like at least 26 inches off. Lame.
I'd just like to say this man has more balls than I ever will. He gets five stars for jumping out of a plane, period.