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Comment count is 13
erix - 2006-11-13

no fucking way.

yoyo1 - 2006-11-13

Op in ze asshole of trrreamon.

athodyd - 2006-11-13

I'll start watching NASCAR when this happens to Dale Jr.

minimalist - 2006-11-14

Can't stop laughing at the gesture

creambot - 2006-11-14

"up in the ass of Timo:" priceless.

murph the surf - 2007-02-11

Yes, the old "somthing bounced up into his undercarridge" line would be appro.

Caminante - 2007-04-12

Just in case you don't understand what happened, he does the hand gesture.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-05-01

That last frame needs to be a fucking Superfister sig picture. Cannot stop giggling at this.

Enjoy - 2007-06-10

Yeah that's a helluva stone if it was really as big as his fist! Timo is going to be walking funny for a monht.

FABIO2 - 2007-07-10

-2 because I was expecting a circus freak protest going amiss.

lustygoat - 2007-09-01

I can't tell if the driver is pissed at the navigator, or at the stone, or what.

Vicious - 2007-11-05

I thought he shit himself. Turns out it was the exact opposite.

poples - 2008-01-08

Oh Mr. Grönholm, your english never fails to amuse me.

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