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Worth watching until the end. Holy shit, this game is fucked.
OWN GOAL?!?!?!?!?
As a North American I'll never understand the subtleties of soccer.
The cameramen look like machine gun emplacements ready to gun down deserters.
This always shat on FIFA, I wasted countless hours on this game and had innumerable tantrums at the super human goalkeepers.. Also... 1:33, what the fuck? Missed an open goal, then slides the ball out of play and shoots through the post to score? I love how the commentator always sounded a bit confused. Goal? Goal!? GOOOOAAAAAAAAAALLL!!
I think I'd like soccer more if teams would sneak in behind the opposing teams' goal and score 23 times before anyone except the announcer noticed.
I knew that was going to happen at the end, that is awesome.
I fail to understand the purpose for the refs being dogs.
Playing this game as Brazil was cheating anyway.
IT'S A BIIIG KICK! DIRTY PLAY REF! Ah, the soundbites..