wtf japan - 2010-08-24
Is South Carolina in grave peril? Can someone please explain this shit to me?
wtf japan - 2010-08-24 Also, Brett Gardner's head is the largest simple celestial body known to man.
Quick, South Carolinians, to the race war stronghold! Brett Galacticus has come for the Confederacy!
Smellvin - 2010-08-24
I'm not sure a hurricane (which they tend to get hit by every now and again) counts as "apocalypse."
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2010-08-24
The mailbox "joke" and the douchebag collar = 5 stars for evil.
HankFinch - 2010-08-24 Can someone explain the mailbox joke to me? I just plain don't fucking get what the wordplay is supposed to be
modifydbear - 2010-08-24 Not a joke. The Pirates actually picked up a mailbox as an international free agent a few years back, turned out to be a major bust
twinkieafternoon - 2010-08-24
When athletes attempt to be funny.
See also Ochochinco, Chad and O'Neal, Shaq.
Zarathustra00 - 2010-08-24 Don't include Shaq in that list. Just look at Kazaam and Shaq Fu, then tell me that Shaq is not an expert at making jokes.
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