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I really don't like it when they don't move or cry out in pain afterward.
Really? Those are the only ones I like.
I like how the skateboard decided to finish the job that the concrete failed to do.
at least he had the courtesy to slow down time for us as he fell
It made me sick, watching his head hit and his leg move reflexively before he laid still. I think that was a very serious injury, if not a fatality. And he was young. It was a curious feeling, watching my finger move to five star this.
Take these.
I replayed this so many times that I think it would make a good techno track. Try it - in memory for all those in German kids. 4 stars as what I wanted was a faceplant and the skateboard to hit him on the back of the head when he was unconscious. Lovely stuff.
FOUR stars? You have no heart, sir.
Get out of the way German kid. Let an American show you how its done.
I don't that was the kid talking at the beginning of the video. I think it was the skateboard.
lol he dead
I can't stop watching this video.
Ragdoll physics engines are becoming far more realistic.
The short and sweet tag would very much apply here. Also, I laugh at other people's pain.
About the fifth viewing, I realized that might be a girl.
It's true, Germans realy ARE better at everything.
It seemed like a good idea until I was killed horribly.
The involuntary jut of her foot onto the skateboard when she loses balance slightly that sets the whole chain in motion.