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Comment count is 13
Toenails - 2010-07-23

Just draw a vase once in awhile for fuck's sake, brother.

There, but for the grace of god... and my ability to grow out of drawing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles while in middle school, go I.

Toenails - 2010-07-23

Took my own advice:


It ain't porn, but it was enjoyable.

fluffy - 2010-07-23

That's an awesome vase!

memedumpster - 2010-07-23


fluffy - 2010-07-23

He looks way too attractive to be a furry.

Also it sounds like he isn't actually a furry so much as someone who saw a business opportunity and went with it, so more power to him, I guess.

HankFinch - 2010-07-23

"He looks way too attractive to be a furry."

It's the puka shell necklace, chin-strap beard combo.
Moisten up, ladies.

RedHood - 2010-07-23

He needs to cut his damn fingernails.

Hodge - 2010-07-23

I wouldn't be too sure about that:

Chibisuke - 2010-07-23

http://d.facdn.net/art/louiefurrywolfy/1277869029.louiefurrywolfy_ epic_oh_face.jpg

chumbucket - 2010-07-23

if you can draw Tippy the turtle or the pirate, we want to hear from you!

I so wanted to subtract for a shameless use of Yakety Sax, but I'm weak.

happninmojo - 2010-07-23

"Everybody else was doing anime, I just wanted to be different...it's exotic and different." - Meesh

So you turn to furry art? That's like deciding to fuck an animal because everyone else is doing humans...oh that's right. Never mind.

He's the Neal Adams of furry art.

GravidWithHate - 2010-07-24

I'm curious why he figured a misogynist Mexican MC Hammer rip off would be the ideal background music for this.

How long before "Copious amounts of fluids" is an active tag?

eatenmyeyes - 2010-07-24

That is Gr��p X.

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