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oh no.
2d6 in a 10 meter radius. Roll for concussion.
Damn scatter dice!
Jesus saves...everyone else roll for damage.
Magic Missile!
yours Elvis
You're finished you fool!
This can't be happening!
The music goes up tempo as the initially slow burn becomes a blazing inferno that engulfs the entire stadium in a horrifying spectacle of the macabre. In the distance, you hear the crypt keeper laughing. You Have Died The End
God's wrath has been unleashed upon this blasphemous Christmas in July celebration.
He's totally making fun of Feyd.
stupid kids had it coming to em.
I'm pretty sure there's something racist about this clip, I'm just still trying to figure out what it is.
White people have no sense of fireworks safety.
Everyone is receiving third-degree burns in an new old-fashioned way!
The Last Gunpowder Bender has come to release the Stadium Seating Benders.
I didn't see any Jazzercise in this video, sorry.
Sadly, as the spectators on the fifth row bleachers died, so did Rocky's dreams of becoming a professional pyrotechnician.