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Comment count is 13
Ursa_minor - 2010-06-30

Horsemom gets plinked by a shell right in the side of her horsegrill.

Son of Slam - 2010-06-30

Ok, this country is so fucked up it doesn't even know what to be fucked up about. Just a giant cloud of fuckedupness willing to glom anxiety A onto Anxiety B. I mean, can anyone explain the message of that thing?

Yes, mom catching the brass at 0:57 made it.

Kieran27 - 2010-06-30

So.... Are they arguing Amberwatch is enough to protect your chuldren and guns are bad? Or guns make you look silly? Or guns are good with Amberwatch?

I'm so confused....

Helena Handbasket - 2010-06-30

I..what? No really, what?

spikestoyiu - 2010-06-30

Rippling, black arm fat.

Scynne - 2010-07-01

I came.

Kumquatxop - 2010-06-30


L4D3 after only seven months?!

Camonk - 2010-07-01

I call the sassy black mom. She's gonna have all the best lines.

Mike Tyson?! - 2010-07-01

Please let this be viral marketing.

Kumquatxop - 2010-07-01

Maybe the child predator is made of chocolate!

twinkieafternoon - 2010-07-01

I'm confused. I'm scared. I feel unsafe. I'm aroused.

kennydra - 2010-07-01

This video disturbs me. Their website is insane. They have a feature where you can report child predators right on their site, and it doesn't look like you even have to register to do so. I'd like /b/ to get a hold of that.

On the plus side the title of this reminded me of "Cows With Guns".

oddeye - 2010-07-01

I can't believe those numbers on child related crimes are correct. Possibly on a global scale or with "kidnapped" by the other parent in a custody battle added on.

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