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Comment count is 8
bias - 2010-04-13

pretty good

kwash - 2010-04-13

I like this. Also, Dan O'Brien is there.

needs a swaim tag

Blolf Witzer - 2010-04-13

Every girl in this is totaly fuckable. What exactly is your schtick, Sean Robinson? You're a tough nut to crack.

Sean Robinson - 2010-04-13

Who would be crazy enough to give this one a bad rating??? It is pretty funny!

drcrypt - 2010-04-14

I will. This is amateur hour. If they'd gotten some actors with actual comedic timing, I could see this working. They didn't.

Sean Robinson - 2010-04-14

They have pretty good comedic timing, I thought. I'm sorry you disagree. I have a minor belief that you are unpleasant personally, but I have no real evidence.

FABIO - 2010-04-15

This could have easily been a Family Guy bit.

Chalkdust - 2010-04-14

"Are you a mummy now, too?"

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