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Comment count is 23
MongoMcMichael - 2010-03-26

Oh, the not-all-that-enthused roar of a slightly confused crowd.

APE_GOD - 2010-03-26

It kindled in me the same nerd pride that duane and brando's mega man 2 track did.

Chibisuke - 2010-03-26

Why was a guy in a fuzzy hat battling king koopa to the pokemon theme?

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2010-03-26

Smash Bros.

They need to do some Bionic Commando.

Scynne - 2010-03-26

Maybe the NFL ain't so bad after all.

APE_GOD - 2010-03-26

The NFL. Bless you.

Camonk - 2010-03-26

When I'm an insanely wealth Bond-villain type figure, this is all that will happen on my private island with its attack subs and eternal satellite-foiling cloud cover. The secret agent sent to neutralize me will scratch his head and leave in a funk, wondering what the point of his entire life has been.

augias - 2010-03-26

This man is proud: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archivo:Koji_kondo.jpg

Hooker - 2010-03-26

I enjoyed this.

Konversekid - 2010-03-26

Practically a dupe:http://poetv.com/video.php?vid=26312

But this is a better view.

charmlessman - 2010-03-26

Balcony guy is thinking, "Who's laughing now, sideline seats?"

fluffy - 2010-03-26

Mario punching the blocks

badideasinaction - 2010-03-26

Here, just take those stars... take them...

poorwill - 2010-03-26


Reefer Fez - 2010-03-26

3 years of high school marching band. We took home quite a few first place trophies in various competitions. But never once did we do anything quite this cool.

memedumpster - 2010-03-26

If only there had been real fireworks going off after the flag dropped.

Cube - 2010-03-27

It's kinda scary to think that video games will be as much a part of our culture as philosophy, shakespeare or the japanese tea ceremony.

And kind of cool.

Seris - 2010-03-27


(but really, pretty great)

nidan - 2010-03-29

Go bears!

Dib - 2010-03-30

I hate to criticize, but six fireworks after the flag drops would have made a nice touch.

The Mothership - 2016-05-13

Stanford. Fucking nerds.

Accidie - 2016-05-29

I thought this was Berkeley. Fucking nerds.

The Mothership - 2016-05-29

Either way, nerds.

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