It doesnt deserve five stars, but it doesn't deserve one star, despite the bile rising in my throat. I think we're all in agreement this is here because its evil to beat a dead horse this long. It's just pulp and bonemeal fragments a foot deep into the bedrock by now.
I'm surprised this wasn't a stand alone anime, but an actual game. Wasn't there a on foot sonic racing game for the Saturn? I remember seeing screen shots of it, and even back then thinking it was a shitacular idea.
Because they are retarded ostriches and since ostriches are naturally evil they can will their retard strength without a glimpse of emotional preperation. Case in point, they were obviously antogonists to a Sonic the Hedgehog game in one point or another.
Here's what I want to know: does Sonic actually sell well? I mean, Sega almost didn't bring over Yakuza 3 because of poor sales performance, and it seems fairly popular.(on the gamestop top 10 referance PS3 titles and all...)
With Sonic, on the other hand... I mean, he's been a joke since the late dreamcast days. Who the hell keeps buying these games that Sega doesn't even question making and shipping them over?
Curious enough, seems that sonic sells better in america, while it barely sells a bit in Japan. Yakuza's numbers are not that bad, but again, Sega is run by a bunch of dumb chimps who can't sell a game even if their lifes depend of it.