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It didnt have to have boobs but it would've been nice, is all im sayin
I think you can see a few pairs when the guy's pulling away from the dock.
He crashed because he looked over to the other guy to ask why he kept doing that with his hand
I thought that guy just liked the way the wind felt on his hand. Don't you ever put your hand out the car window and do that?
Why do they even need 2 guys in the boat?
It's a rally, so the pilot doesn't know where he's going. The co-driver is giving the pilot directions with his hands.
it looks like every run would end in a crash. that is insane.
Did the double airbags deploy?
5 stars for the guy who just missed getting getting decapitated at 0:41
Oh hey. What are you guys talking about over there? Lemme come over and join you!
man those poles shot over to the right half plane in no time.
That looks like fun.
That was very entertaining.
The guy under the boat at :45. Ho-ly shit.
Those drivers are lucky that barbed wire fence didn't decapitate them.
By barbed wire I mean not barbed wire, just ordinary garotte wire.
vroooom thump thump thump crash.
wow, upon watching this again, they could have be decapitated by that fence.