Camonk - 2010-02-10
Oh okay it's made in the US. I only like American stupid fetish material for dumbass things
Colonel Cowlung - 2010-02-10
The music went to a new level at :40
StanleyPain - 2010-02-11
I thought a female's greatest weapon was her FILTHY LYING MOUTH!!!
Charles - 2010-02-11
dek863 - 2010-02-11
grammar win.
memedumpster - 2010-02-11
I can see how Girls Gone Self Empowered would be unable to compete with Girls Gone Drunk and Whorish.
Sacks5thAvenButt - 2010-02-11 is homely women
ponpoko - 2010-02-11
That's right, loser! I'm the winner! I knocked you down and I'm rubbing my foot in your face!
Rock over London, Rock on Chicago - Wheaties, breakfast of champions
Cleaner82 - 2010-02-11
Empowering Women Through Condescension
oogaBooga - 2010-02-11
Sadly the kickboxing theme only hampers the fetish aspect - all the footfappers are going to complain that their feet move around too much to get a good look at.
Big Muddy - 2010-07-22
Someone needs to remix this. Just the creepy mumbled taunts:
You gotta smell my feeet, you gotta smell my feet...etc
OxygenThief - 2022-03-04
As stated previously on this page, in March of 2020 we officially suspended all shoots due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All these many months of lockdown have provided pause for us to reflect on our priorities, and after careful consideration, we have decided to wrap things up permanently at some point in 2022 or maybe 2023.
We have in fact been thinking about retiring for awhile now, as we have accomplished everything we set out to do, and have achieved success beyond our greatest expectations, so we are therefore quite satisfied and comfortable with this conclusion. There are different things we want to do with our time, and it is a very different world now... a world that belongs to a whole new generation.
In the meantime, we will continue to focus on a long-form physical media project that expands on the clues provided in the YouTube videos, which we hope to complete by late 2022 or early 2023.
We will also continue to process our remaining inventory of raw video/photo content in order to produce new clips and photo collections for sale...
...and then, once that inventory is depleted, we will simply stop updating. All things eventually must stop. All things eventually must end. Nothing is forever.
As always, we really appreciate the support of all of our loyal customers during the course of almost 25 years of producing this content.
Thank you,
King Dice
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