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Comment count is 8
socialist_hentai - 2010-01-26

I hope spearchucker becomes the new word for redneck.

oogaBooga - 2010-01-26

Have some dignity, goddamn.

Johnny Madhouse - 2010-01-26

Compare and contrast:


hornung - 2010-01-26

"frickin awesome"
you're hunting elk with a spear on a goddamn fenced in game preserve.

vikings suck. along with every football player who wears #69.

Johnny Madhouse - 2010-01-26

Farm. Game farm. He probably paid at least 20,000 dollars to kill that practically domestic elk.

RockBolt - 2010-01-26

"Wow, it was so easy when they are practically tame and standing right underneath you!"

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-01-26

"I feel like frikkin Geronimo right now."

Yes, I'm...sure you do.

Syd Midnight - 2010-02-02

I wasn't sure what to think when I heard about some Goon who spear hunts feral pigs in his uncles corn field at night, but I suppose that was pretty noble as far as this sport goes.

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