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Bas Rutten is a real person and not a GTA character? My mind is blown.
Bas is as real as it gets
Holy shit! I've been pronouncing 'Muay Thai' wrong for years!
It's disrespectful to pronounce things wrong.
In their defense, I've heard at least three different pronunciations IN THAILAND.
Also, you owe Bas two more stars, you noodle.
Holy shit!! Bas Rutten's gonna kick me for 3 starring him!
S'okay, you can find 6 different pronunciations of "wrestling" in one US state alone.
First Bas will kick you, then he will kiss you, then he will kick you again.
Bas Rutten is one of my favorite humans, simply because I like to pronounce his name with a thick, fake, Scottish brogue. That and he's fun as hell.
But... he's not Scottish.
Bas Rutten is one of the best things to happen to the planet in forever. His self-defense video is the greatest.
He's still no match for a T-100.
Bas Rutten is two car crashes per kick.
Vegita, what does the dummy say about his VC level? DANGITA DANGITA!