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Desc:To those idiots who think they're a blue cat-elf, this is very insulting. And not because it's dumb.
Category:Cartoons & Animation, Horror
Tags:alien, technical difficulties, avatarded, Navi, alien anatomy
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Comment count is 25
Jet Bin Fever - 2010-01-17

Newgrounds. +2 for lazy eyes.

themilkshark - 2010-01-17

Forced comedy hurts like getting bludgeoned with a dodgeball.

Sudan no1 - 2010-01-17

what's really funny is it isn't too different from what James Cameron actually wrote. So I hear.

a flaming monkey - 2010-01-17

Everything from Newgrounds is terrible.

nemeses9 - 2010-01-17

This is actually incredibly animated and voiced for something on Newgrounds.

That doesn't change how awful it is though.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-01-17

Sudan: Avatar is PG-13, despite a long "firebombing" scene that I found pretty gruesome. But all mention of that filthy secret whose name I dare not whisper (ok, 'sex') was kept to a minimum. Therefore it is safe for the 0.05% of teenagers who have no idea what that is.

In other news, this cartoon is awful and Avatar is such low-hanging fruit that they had to dig it out of the ground to make fun of it.

Spastic Avenger - 2010-01-17

I was not amused at all until the animu catface and vaginal recorder; at that point I burst out laughing. Afterwards I felt ashamed.

Babies Ate My Dingo - 2010-01-17

I laughed harder than I should have.

Camonk - 2010-01-17

I can't even think of anything else that's this not funny to compare this to. Schindler's List, I guess.

snothouse - 2010-01-17

Uh huh.

akinskirage - 2010-01-17

This was utter shit. But if it's pissing off Avatards... I'm conflicted. *Abstains*

Camonk - 2010-01-17

Wait, do we actually have to have a name to make fun of people who like a movie? Are there people who like it just way too much and--well, I mean, OF COURSE THERE ARE--but do are there really enough of them that we give a shit? I'm willing to learn.

RomancingTrain - 2010-01-17

Yeah they are http://www.poe-news.com/forums/sp.php?pi=1002209766

dead_cat - 2010-01-17

It's not people who saw Avatar and liked it, it's people who saw Avatar, and now they think they're Na'vi-souled. There's a lot of them, and they're all as bitchy and easily-wounded by your words as soiled tissue-paper.

Braze - 2010-01-17

the musical instrument thing is enough for 4 stars, christ that expression

BorrowedSolution - 2010-01-17


NineEleven - 2010-01-17

Lolz newgroundz sucks if only this was from japan it wud be great

pastorofmuppets - 2010-01-17

it wud!

phydeaux - 2010-01-17

They should have this guy writing for Robot Chicken.

themilkshark - 2010-01-18

Yeah, Robot Chicken has certainly lowered the bar for comedy.

mashedtater - 2010-01-17

better than anything newground should have given us.

Explodotron - 2010-01-17


Riskbreaker - 2010-01-17

Avatar sucks, anything that pisses it's fans is ok with me.

Rape Van Winkle - 2010-01-18

Painfully stupid.

BOOSH - 2010-01-20

holy shit

why are people giving this more than 1 star

painfully stupid

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