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Comment count is 18
Explodotron - 2010-01-16

Reminds me of a series of adverts I saw in the UK this fall of which is better, football or rugby. Basically like this one, but the next ad running would be making fun of rugby. Entertaining to say the least.

splatterbabble - 2010-01-16

Rugby is for girls, too. Which is why I prefer to be a spectator.

Jimmy Labatt - 2010-01-16

I played rugby all through high school; great game. We would constantly make fun of our school's soccer team. We were right to do so.

Hooker - 2010-01-16

Isn't this tantamount to running at ad in Texas saying [American] football sucks, something I couldn't even fathom happening?

BorrowedSolution - 2010-01-16

No, this ad is from New Zealand, where the men wear stubbies (very short shorts) and sheep are always ready for a good time. 5 because this is the only NZ advertisement I've ever seen that didn't annoy the piss out of me.

BorrowedSolution - 2010-01-16

Also, they think anything that isn't rugby is gay. Except for field hockey and cricket, because they're hard like that.

Hooker - 2010-01-16

Oh, I thought this was from the UK. My bad.

nidan - 2010-01-16

New Zealand? Is that why it shows www.ceskeragby.cz at 0:29?

Hooker - 2010-01-17

New Zealand is the capital of the Czech Republic.

Desidiosus - 2010-01-16

I don't think the makers of this commercial ever heard of George Best, the man who would kick fifty goals every day and screw fifty women every night.

1394 - 2010-01-16

Isn't rugby the sport where dudes tape their asscheeks together so opposing players don't stick a finger up their butt?

Meerkat - 2010-01-17

No, but it is customary in a scrum to cup the testes of the man in front of you so he doesn't get a knee full in the jewels when the ball comes in.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2010-01-16

Failed adverts:

Try Rugby.

Our balls are better.

TeenerTot - 2010-01-16

I dunno, man. Those chicks on the soccer field can get pretty brutal.

Time Travel Mishap - 2010-01-16

I'm assuming that this ad is not actually trying to sell anything but was funded and produced by some hardcore rugby fans who just wanted to make fun of soccer.

dbtng - 2010-01-17

Looks like there may be some substance to this critique. This page has mug shots of England's national soccer team. They do look well groomed.


nemeses9 - 2010-01-17

lol Czech Republic

Ad is true though. Rugby is sexy, soccer...not so much.

Cherry Pop Culture - 2012-01-04

Soccer (or "footie" as many other people in the world call it) is/was never something I considered "girly" A friend had one of the nastiest injuries I could come close to imagining. She fell on her back wrong and popped a disc out. It never healed right. Every morning, she had to pop it back in or she couldn't function for the rest of the day. She was about 10 when it happened.

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