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I dunno i found his entrance music quite endearing.
I would've liked this better if the statue was an actual statue, just standing still. And Mick would just pound on it with nothing happening.
Flying high now, indeed.
ting ting ting ting.... ting ting ting ting .... TINGTINGTINGTING...
I like how between the rounds Mickey tells Rocky what he needs to do to win.
A true professional.
Yeh got the bastard *cough* on the rocks! In fact he thinks his rib is cracked!
That 70 year old man knocked out a fucking bronze statue.
Are Mick's arms spring-loaded?
As I recall this is the same strategy rocky uses in the movies.
To win Mickey needs to wipe the secret name of God off Rocky's forehead.
I'd like to see the character ideas they crossed off the whiteboard -ADVERSITY -ADRIAN -SLAB OF BEEF