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From back when the giant backyard satellites gave you the live feed while everyone else was watching commercials.
I got to experience that. Fun times.
Re-re-repetition. Bullshit. It's like a Emergency Broadcast Network song. Pantslessness rules.
Down with pants!
Pants are so bad, you guys.
God! They're so confining! ARgh
I want to hear the conversation where he explains why hes not going to wear pants. "IM MIKE FUCKING DITKA AND IF I SAY NO PANTS THEN IM NOT WEARING FUCKING PANTS, GIVE ME A BLANKET"
And then the interviewer, in a secret gesture of adoration, touches the warm seat pad where Ditka's bare ass had just been.
One time I used a toilet exactly after Tiger Woods. After recent revelations, I'm hoping there was nothing communicable in there.