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Hyaku ten! Urawaza! Aaaaaaa!
AYAGAZUUYAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLARG BLARG!!!!
I remember when drifters smelled like pee and asked for change at the bus station
It's impossible to drive straight.
That car needs new tires! Imagine driving that thing on ice. I hope the driver is okay. Shaken, surely.
I was going to submit this but I figured it'd get 1 stared. Anyway, he had a lot of entry speed but no transfer. Hmph.
Er, angle. Going to bed now.
this is all foreign to me (wakka wakka wakka)
When you said slings backwards around a corner, I thought I was about to see someone drift a car in reverse. I am very disappointed.
Big fucking deal. These guys have obviously never heard of midget dirt track racing. Rednecks have you beat, Japan.