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I thought this would be about Stephen Hawking paragliding. :( I wonder how much stuff Stephen is made to do totally against his will.
His cameo on The Simpsons was not done by choice.
heh, submitted
I like how if you can fly and soar the hawks will all give props and respect and hang out with you like "So you figured it out, human? Nice. Fun, isn't it?" The birds are all "Shit yeah this is how you live, metal-apes. Welcome to the show."
I figured they'd be all, "Fuck you clothbag, get out of my airspace. Now I peck your eyes out!"
Oh man I want to do this.
The light colored bird is an Egyptian Vulture. 'Paravulturing' doesn't have the same ring to it, so I'll let it slide. But still you're on notice, video.
That would never get old. Ever.
This is my new goal in life.
Paragliding with hawks.