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Again: joy.
to life!
Wibble Face in the wifebeater is worth five stars just by himself, I thought. Then I got to 3:45.
Yes, my stars are for 3:45
None of my stars are for 3:45 at all. All of them are for Kenichiro Jonze finally getting the respect he deserves.
I found more stars under the sweaty folds.
someone should edit the following video to have this 3:45 part play on repeat, or at least at the end of the bit:
Jet Set Radio was better with cel shading and roller blades, but this new version still looks pretty fun.
Hard not to love this thing.
Well that was pretty wonderful.
here's proof that all Japanese aren't obsessive shut in nerds
This made my whole weekend.
I am baffled. I will choose to believe that this is what all Japanese people are doing at all times.
Japan = autosuperiority
It's never been done before.
It's the little things that make you love life.