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Desc:A new contender for worst song ever written emerges. Bad enough for poetv proper
Category:Short Films, Arts
Tags:(point to schlong), juicy karkass, is it real?, Valley of the Penises
Submitted:Modern Angel
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Comment count is 20
duck&cover - 2009-09-06

I just found my new ringtone.

Billy the Poet - 2009-09-06

A joke, but not a good one. They'll be at Juggapalooza within two years.

dueserpenti - 2009-09-06

Good enough for me.

Camonk - 2009-09-06

By worst song, you mean best. It's okay. A lot of people get those two ideas confused.

AmericanAir - 2009-09-12

Yeah I agree, great stuff. Although, his message is a little vague.

YakooMarkTwo - 2012-03-07

Decent "hard" beat, decent flow, packed with funny enough metaphors, puns, and punchlines, solid rhyme schemes... far cry from "worst song ever written". unless bad not meaning bad, but bad meaning good.

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-09-06

Whatever side of history this falls on, I was entertained.

Jeff Fries - 2009-09-06


smoothbrain - 2009-09-06

stars for that line

Honest Abe - 2009-09-06

scrotum? damned near killed em!

Vaidency - 2009-09-06

That was a lot more funny than I thought it would be.

Mister Shady - 2009-09-06

This is why Al Gore created the internet.

memedumpster - 2009-09-06

He doesn't know that women have no penises.

No one tell him.

Needs "Valley of the Penises" tag.

Gojira1000 - 2009-09-06

That was a lot of dick to come out of a straight guy's mouth.

Konversekid - 2009-09-06

Better than Lonely Island.

Man Who Fights Like Woman - 2009-09-06

Punch 'em in the wang like it ain't no thang.

Old_Zircon - 2009-09-06

+5 for crusties from Protland doing something I liked. -1 for them still being crusties from Portland.

keinsignal - 2009-09-13

I'll punch Jesus Christ in the dick

woodenbandman - 2010-11-28

5 stars for children of bodom.

woodenbandman - 2010-11-28

btw category should be religion and news/politics

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