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Five for the user name in conflation with the anal extraction video. Is SuperFister still around?
Damn near killed 'im?
I'd like to see you come up with a funnier joke while staring at about a foot of lower intestine, freshly yanked from a cadaver.
actually I guess that's sort of the perfect opportunity for a joke, isn't it.
Not really, because they damn well actually did kill'um.
Is this what the kids call fisting?
I actually have a butt out in the trunk of my car, along with a bunch of other hunting stuff I can't be bothered to put away.
So, this is to create a fuck toy or is there something I'm missing other than the fact that the rest of the shit is spilling inside your carcass?
5 stars for the woman's hick accent
No live animals were harmed in the making of this video. But you can be sure that some asshole has used it on something living.
PERFECT submitter name to submission ratio here. I challenge anyone to a duel who says they have found one better.