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I did not make it to the end, and gave this a vote in the hopper based on the load image alone.
Voted up because I think it's funny how uncomfortable it makes straight guys feel.
For the image at 1:12 It has a self-defeated sadness. Yes, we are the victors. But, what have we become to call this our glory?....
We have become aroused. ... Primarily because of Jump-Cat.
My vote is for 1:07
Mustache looks like Chopper Read.
Eh, Handlebar Mustache does. That is. Seriously, you can't expect my brain to function after that shit.
This is pretty much what WWE looks like to me.
I'll be honest: this is what most sports look like to me.
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Grampa? Y-Y-You told me you those noises were you & uncle Fred moving furniture around in the basement...
SO this must be the inspiration for the muscle march games. +5 for the kitten