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Comment count is 12
simon666 - 2009-08-28

I did not make it to the end, and gave this a vote in the hopper based on the load image alone.

Hay Belly - 2009-08-28

Voted up because I think it's funny how uncomfortable it makes straight guys feel.

HankFinch - 2009-08-28

For the image at 1:12

It has a self-defeated sadness.
Yes, we are the victors. But, what have we become to call this our glory?....

MongoMcMichael - 2009-08-28

We have become aroused.


Primarily because of Jump-Cat.

infinite zest - 2009-08-28

My vote is for 1:07

Document - 2009-08-28

Mustache looks like Chopper Read.

Document - 2009-08-28

Eh, Handlebar Mustache does. That is.

Seriously, you can't expect my brain to function after that shit.

oddeye - 2009-08-28

This is pretty much what WWE looks like to me.

Camonk - 2009-08-28

I'll be honest: this is what most sports look like to me.

a flaming monkey - 2009-08-28

related videos!

Pillager - 2009-08-28


Y-Y-You told me you those noises were you & uncle Fred moving furniture around in the basement...

Ponasty - 2009-08-28

SO this must be the inspiration for the muscle march games.

+5 for the kitten

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