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Comment count is 10
RockBolt - 2009-08-22

More info!


simon666 - 2009-08-22

OK, but how does that hull design (lack thereof) handle jib?

OgreMkIV - 2009-08-23

No jib required, the square-top, full-batten, sleeved main is a pretty good airfoil. Also, it's got a huge sail area compared with other boats of this size, so the extra area of the jib isn't needed. It would probably just bring on a world of hurt in a gust since the sailor only has enough hands for the tiller and main sheet.

Considering that these boats were originally designed to be built out of one sheet of plywood, what they do now is amazing. Of course, being built almost entirely out of carbon fiber helps. Open design classes like this are pretty amazing.

Syd Midnight - 2009-08-23

I wonder if they can handle open seas. I wonder if pirates could use them.

Avengingatheist - 2009-08-22

Cool boats, minus 2 stars for the terrible music

RoyCastle - 2009-08-22

it really is so so bad

Syd Midnight - 2009-08-23

I muted it and played Benny Goodman and it was awesome

Billy the Poet - 2009-08-22

I'd want a very fast boat to sail away from whoever is playing that music too.

Meerkat - 2009-08-22

In all fairness, if you listen to the music three or four times it doesn't grow on you.

freedoom - 2009-08-23

Cobra Hydrofoil shooting cross the water is an evil new foe! Cobra Hydrofoil is going to get GI Joe! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UThVRjGyDmQ

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