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Set phasers to 'involuntary celibacy'
maybe the best comment ever.
I could only stand about 20 seconds. This kind of awful deserves at least four stars, though.
Too slow for a proper patter and should of been something from Pinafore.
He's so nervous, you'd think this was a hostage beheading video
HAVE. Should HAVE been something from Pinafore. And it was, by the way.
Modern Major General is from Pirates, not Pinafore. This timely response brought to you by Wonko and the year 2012!
I don't recall Star Fleet officers being quite so fat
That, ladies and gents, is what we call A HERO.
It makes me chuckle when he rushes to get back in tempo, which was intentionally slow to begin with.
He looked like he was going to cry... -1 because he didn't
Dammit. Something Awful stole my Youtube find!
Star Trek officers are like black Republicans. Only the pretty ones are shown on TV.
The best part of the video is his dream catcher hanging in the background.
the dream catcher hanging below the fantasy barbarian girl.
Nice dreamcatcher in the background.
He is wearing the "all good things" communicator pin which the lines on it designate rank, so what are the rank "pips" on his collar for? I can only guess there is one pip for each chin?