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Groin injuries are no fun unless someone writhes in pain.
Gotta give one more for "gallons of foaming pain jizz"
Right after been followed by a "boink!" sound effect.
Groin injuries are no fun if only shown in slow-mo. And the accompanying music needs to die.
5 stars for the pygmy jerboa! Oooops
By the way he thrusts the bottle away from him, he seems to feel it betrayed him by hitting him in the nuts.
I see no reason to rock the boat with this rating. It didn't even look like it hurt him that much.
what the hell did he expect to eventually happen?
this is like a clip which would be popular on ebaumsworld.
Like the old saying, when you play with mentos, expect to be groined.
-4 for no Mythbusters.
Mythbusters sucks so hard, I'd give it points for not being that. But that wasn't even his balls. That was his lower stomach.
I don't even see any evidence of Mentos in this. They're just shaking the bottle and throwing it to the ground.
I demand to know exactly what was in that bottle.
Plus one for the tag.
I agree with Camonk, there's no way that hit him in the crotch